Wow…it has been over a MONTH since my last post. I feel like the worst blogger in the history of bloggers. I’m sure there are many that have gone longer…but I feel like such a slacker. I was told that I have an obligation to feed the eyes of others and I am falling behind on my duty. I promise friends, I have a good excuse.
I am sure to most of my readers out there who aren’t a personal friend, you are trying to figure out the significance of my shirt. Or if you are like many of my friends…you didn’t really pay attention to the shirt, or where Doug is pointing. Here is a close up (with an ugly chin angle):
We will have an addition to Caleigh’s Kitchen in April of 2012, on our anniversary to be exact April 17th!! That’s right, I’m expecting, and yes we are major Aggies. Considering we both went there and love our alma mater, we had to do a reveal in an Aggie fashion. I don’t know what it is yet and won’t find out until November 21st. But we couldn’t be more thrilled! However…Morning Sickness has been rearing it’s head since about week 6 and hasn’t let up too much. I am just tapping my toe waiting for the amazing energy and appetite everyone keeps telling me is coming in my second trimester because I haven’t seen it yet.
At any rate, that is my excuse. I feel it is a pretty good one. I have high hopes of more blog posts soon. I need to catch you all up on my first Food Blog Conference I attended a couple weeks ago. That and some fun fall recipes to look forward to. What are your favorite fall foods??
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