Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Do anything exciting?? It was beautiful weather here in Texas finally. We aren’t used to cold weather into late March. I know you Northerners are rolling your eyes literally still knee-deep in snow as you read this :-). I live in Texas because I enjoy being warm, so the lengthy winter gave me the blues.
I really don’t think we were inside hardly at all this weekend. We spent both days planting our garden and added a new planters box. We always get really ambitious with our planting, but the heat seems to get the best of the plants in the end. Hoping this year is different. I moved all of my herbs onto the front porch for more shade this year, I want lots of Cilantro!!! We also have 2 peach trees and 2 lime trees I’m hoping I can get to before the dogs and squirrels do this year. We’re also considering planting some berries. Yum! I know we weren’t the only ones in the garden this weekend. What did you plant?
Kirkley also had a big day yesterday. Our good friends invited us over to let her ride their pony. SHE LOVED IT. I also got back in the saddle on the barrel horse for a bit which made me miss riding too despite a couple attempts to buck me. Makes me want to be back in the country with some land and animals.
Speaking of Kirkley, I need some advice. I know there are tons of books and methods out there on potty training but I have no idea which one to read. I can tell you the “3 day” method won’t work well for us. She also is deathly afraid of the potty and having to sit on it with her bare legs. Poor thing just sits there and screams “I cold!” It’s the saddest thing ever and I’m scared if I force it she is going to never get potty trained. What worked best for you?
I could also use some advice on phones. I’ve been thinking of finally straying from the iphone now that I’ve cracked my very first screen. It doesn’t help that my child spilt chocolate milk on it and sometimes makes actually hearing unless it’s on speaker very difficult. My husband has sent me lots of reviews and links to various brands/models. I do have a Galaxy Tablet and really like the software on it. What do you have? Are you a lifelong apple user or are you one of those who left and will never look back?
Thanks for any and all input you can provide!
Have you posted your chili recipe yet? It is the bomb!