I’ve done it again. I fell into baby land so hard. Between being consumed by my beautiful family, work and sleepless nights blogging has become that thing I’ll never get to. I know most of my latest posts start this way. I feel bad, I do. As much as I love blogging other things come first. I have been baking and cooking though. I am even making a couple of wedding cakes this year, I am so excited about that! Aside from that…my baby girl is already 9 months old. This first year is going by entirely too fast. I wanted to share with those of you still hanging around some pictures from the last few months as well as document some of the fun things she is doing. I haven’t blogged any pictures since Sept, so this might be a bit pic heavy, I’ll do the collage version.
I’m warning you now. There are too many pictures in this post. I cant pick and choose what to share from the past 5 months. I did my best !
1 and 2. Made it through another Aggie football season, and it seems Kirkley was our good luck charm. Aggies had an amazing season and things are looking up for our football program. Thanks Kirkley. 3. Hard to tell, first trip to the playground/park. 4. First trip to the San Antonio Riverwalk. 4. Started playing in her walker. (some of these are just because she is too cute). 5 and 6. Kirkleys first Halloween was a hoot!. 7. and 8. Such a happy baby. All of the above are from her first Thanksgiving. I took advantage of the beautiful weather and being out in the country to do a little photo shoot with her. These are the ones I loved the most!
We celebrated her first Christmas! She really wasn’t sure what to make of it, and I may have gone a little overboard on presents, but it was so wonderful! At first she loved Santa (the one above). She has a fascination with beards, glasses and hats, so we thought we had it made. Then we tried with 2 other Santas and she wasn’t super happy about it. At all.
1. We took her on her first trip to the Dallas Aquarium on a rainy December day. She had so much fun! 2. She has started waving and saying bye bye. It melts my heart. 3. Clapping and Patty Cake is one of her new favorite things to do. 4. 5. and 6. 8 months came and went, and still such a happy baby. 7. She got her first swing from Nana and Papaw for Christmas and absolutely loves it! 8. In her Valentines day garb a little early. 9. Bath time is probably her favorite time of day period.
Last but not least, we have seen so much personality start to develop over the past couple months. She is quite the little ham and diva. She loves to be the center of attention, talk and wave to everyone she sees. We know when she is irritated or impatient with us (hence the 9 month picture above where she is growling). She growls a whole lot actually, its pretty funny. Kirkley always wants to be on the move. Just one day past 9 months she started crawling and is now forever on the move. I know it won’t be long before she starts walking! We also took her to her first rodeo in Fort Worth over this past weekend, and she loved it. She was one tired child though, she couldn’t handle the excitement. We took advantage of the beautiful Texas springlike weather and took her to the Zoo too.
We are having so much fun with this little ladybug. She is the light of our life! We couldn’t be more blessed to call her our daughter and watch her grow (even if it is too fast). For the next three months the birthday party planning will be the top of my agenda. I know I will probably have a little cry that it is going by too fast too. We just love her sooooo much!
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