I told you it would probably be a while before I was able to post my next recipe. This baking blog is a lot more work than I anticipated, but I am still loving it.
To pick up where I left off from my previous post, Doug survived his second half marathon! If you ask him, he did terrible..but he only was 10 minutes slower than his last and this one was a tougher course! Plus, he was still sick, we hardly got any sleep the night before due to hotel guests who don’t know what common courtesy is at 3 am…and it was humid out! So I think he did great!
I couldn’t decide if I wanted to take on something sweet, or do a quick mid week cooking blog. So I decided on the later, but no worries, rest assure what is coming up for the sweet portion will be worth the wait! Now, if you know me, you know my affinity for mushrooms. Well really if you read my blog with the enchiladas then you know this by now. But I also love goat cheese, and bread (unfortunately).
I received this recipe in my inbox from Blue Jean Gourmet . Really not much was changed, I just added a couple of things and gave you a little more detail in the description. However, this recipe is amazing, and I cannot believe I never thought of it before. You definitely don’t want to leave out the goat cheese either on this, because it gives it just the right umph! Serve it as an appetizer, side dish…or just by itself! I do wish we were closer to a store with a wider array of Mushrooms besides portabella and plain white. So if you happen to live near a Central Market, get all sorts of mushrooms in there! I did some research this go round of making it on which bread is the best Bruschetta bread. Much to my happy surprise, Kroger in Marshall actually carried it. As the recipe says, any crusty Italian loaf will suffice..but they say Pane Toscano is the best. I have to say, I agree!
While the bacon is going, I went ahead and chopped up my onions and mushrooms.
Make sure you cook your bacon crispy, even if you don’t like crispy bacon, you want it to where you can crumble it up into smaller pieces.
Leave the little bit of bacon grease in the pan, then add butter and get the onions sauteeing.
Then add the Mushroom and thyme mixture. For some reason the past couple times I made it, i was always confused on how to cut up the Thyme. As you can see I didn’t do it right here either. Go ahead and throw the whole thyme stem in there. You will pull it out once the mushrooms are cooked.
Caleigh is not a fan of Mushrooms, in case you were wondering.
Once the Mushrooms start in the pan, slice the bread about an inch or so thick. Brush both sides lightly with butter and put on a cookie sheet, and stick in the oven on broil. Make sure you watch it carefully so it just toasts…and doesn’t burn!
Once your mushrooms are nice and sauteed, deglaze the pan with a couple splashes of wine. I prefer white with my mushrooms, but to each their own. Make sure you get most of the liquid out. This is the point where I throw in the crumbled bacon.
Spread your goat cheese on the bread, and top with the mushroom mixture and viola!
We had a random pairing with kebabs…but they go really good with anything Italian obviously!
Both Doug and Emily agree it was a delicious dinner!
Printable Recipe
Mushroom Bruschetta with Goat Cheese
3 cups chopped mushrooms, mixed variety
1/2 Sweet Onion Chopped (not diced)
4 thick slices of bacon, diced
¼ cup fresh thyme, on the stem, plus a bit more for garnish
A few splashes of red or white wine or 4-6 TBSP of Butter
for serving:
a loaf of crusty bread (a baguette or Italian loaf would work nicely)
Goat Cheese
Cook the bacon in a large heavy-bottomed skillet over medium-high heat. Depending on the amount of fat that’s rendered, you can pour some off if there is a lot. Reduce the heat to medium and sautee the onions. Once they are starting to get a little brown, throw in the butter, mushrooms, and thyme, sautéing it all until the mushrooms brown.
During this time, brush the toast lightly with butter (you don’t want it to be soggy, but crispy) and toast on a cookie sheeton broil in the oven until nice and brown.
Add the end, pour in the wine and deglaze the pan, letting the mixture cook down until the liquid is reduced. Add the diced bacon in at this time. Turn off the heat and remove the thyme stems from the pan. Stir in some freshly ground pepper and salt to taste.
To assemble, slice and toast the bread. Spread generously with cheese, then top with mushroom mix.
I love all the pictures you include amber.
This looks delish! I love me some shrooms…I like white wine with mine as well. Good choice!