Welcome back to Try A Bite Tuesday! We apologize for a short hiatus, we all got a bit busy with life and opted to regroup and start fresh this week! We’re back and going to continue to grow and get better than ever! I hope you’re ready to party, because we certainly are!
Side note – make sure to go back to my Corn Chowder recipe post for an AMAZING giveaway I’m running right now for a new set of Calphalon Knives!
Please note the link party opens up at 8:30pm CST Monday night and remains open till midnight on Friday night.
We’ll each feature a few of my favorite links from that week in the following Tuesdays post.
Please use the link at the bottom to add your link. Be sure to click around on some of the others and spread the love!
-Try and click and comment on 3 other links to spread the love!
-Use #TryABiteTuesday to spread the word on Twitter – @caleighskitchen, @bowl_me_over and @prairiegalcooks
-Feel free to post up to 3 links from any time frame and please link back to Try A Bite Tuesday so people know!
-Please keep it food and recipe related only.
-Also I’d love for you to leave a comment introducing yourself if you have a moment!
-Follow Us as we will be promoting and sharing links on there as well!!
Hope you’re having a fantastic week! I’ve got a tasty treat coming up in the morning!
Some of my favorites from the last link up are below. It appears I had a bit of a sweet tooth when reviewing these!
Looking for something to do with that leftover Halloween Candy? Trish Suttons Halloween bark looks perfect for that!
This No Bake Almond Joy Roll from Peas and Peonies looks like something fun to mix it up over Thanksgiving!
Marshmallow Swirled Oreo Brownies from Just Add Sprinkles totally speaks my language! YUMMM!
Grain Free and Paleo Sea Salted Cookie Dough Bark from Recipes to Nourish sounds AMAZING! I know what’s going into my holiday treat tins!
Here’s the link up! Have fun!

The No Bake Almond Joy Roll sure looks yummy. Of course, one of my favorite candies is Almond Joy.
Thanks for hosting!
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Hey-Hey! Happy Tuesday!! And thank you so much for sharing my Chocolate Bark. Now, I’m off to read all about your Corn Chowder and Knife Giveaway. Have a great week!

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